I) Name and Intro.A) In the O.T. itself the Pentateuch is called the "Torah" (Joshua 1:7; Neh.8:2,7,813,14) or the "Book of Torah" (Dt.28:61;30:10;31:26. Joshua 1:8;8:24 etc.) or the "Book of the Torah of Yahweh" (Neh.9:3;2 Chr.17:9 & frequently) or the "Book of the Torah of God" (Joshua 24:26; Neh.8 & 18) or of the author designated the "Book of Moses" (2 Chr.35;12; Esra 6:18;Neh.13:1) or the "Torah of Moses" 2 Kgs.2:3; 2 Chr.23:18; Ezra 3:2; 7:16) or the "Book of Moses" (Josh.8:31;2 Kgs.14:6; Neh.8:1) or finally the "Book of the Torah of Moses" (2 Chr.22:4).The concept of Torah is common to all , therefore the usual name of of Torah, OT's doctrine,in the sense of God's Word, with ______the word of the lawful words. The designations mean the same in the writings: the five books of Moses. Never an especially part of the same (perhaps Dt.) or espescially lawful complex (perhaps Decalog or the so-called King's law)
B) In the Talmud the Pentateuch is called " Book of the Torah" or also the 5/5 of Law.(Sannuh.44:a)
C)In the N.T. the Pentateuch is called ho nomos (Lk.10:26; John 1:45; Acts 24:14) or "law of Moses" (Lc.24:44;1 Cor.9:8,9; Acts 28:21) or simply "Moses" Acts.15:21) or the Book of Moses (Mk.12:26).
D)By the Greek K.V. hae or ho pentakeunos thus biblos, thereafter with the Latin K.V.Pentateucus.
II)Division into 5 Books. A)The formal division into 5 Books was not originally but made later. However, originally Books 1,3,& 5 each were in an exclusive entirety , also Books 2 & 4 were for themselves presented, thereafter came the further division into 5 Books, at any rate this is before the division of the Pentateuch made into 5 Books. The oldest manuscripts and translations have no division. The 5 Books together form a single ongoing Scripture. In themelves the 5 Books of Moses are a unique great whole which are sharply held up differently from the following Books of the Scripture in content and language. B)the Jews name the books by the beginning words: 1) Bereschith 2)schemoth or Elschemoth 3)Vayikra 4)Waidaber or Barmidbar 5)Debarim or Ele ha Debarim. the three last books the Jews name according to the main content also the 3rd,the priestly law and the 4 th the Fifth part-wilderness.5th the mischna of Moses. (tranlator's notes: the Rabbis name the books after the beginning word except for Numbers after the fifth word.Thus: Genesis is "in the beginning"; Exodus "these are the names";Leviticus is "and He called";Numbers fifth word "in the wilderness" and Deuteronomy" these are the words" of Moses.)
C)The Greek designation.1)Genesisi 2) Exodus 3)Leviticus 4) Numbers 5)Deuteronomy we find already by Philo and after the Vulgate. N.B. The idea of an Hexateuchwas introduced by Ewald and is by modern theologians accepted but against all material substance not rightly so.
(Entered on 2-22-2011 A.D.)
Paragraph #2 Content of Pentateuch
I)In general:-A) Character: neither ancient world history nor the history of the Israelite people but salvation history is given by the Pentateuch, thus the beginning of salvation history and the history of the foundation of God's state among God's people with His Word."History of the Kingdom of God".Regarding form the Pt. is a symmetrical linked segments litterally constructed and each book individually the same which only the modern theories s.v. have it thrown together from differing literary sources all on one pile. One may divide the content of the Pt. n I) the historical (Gn.1-Ex.19) and II) the legal part (Ex.20-Dt.34)
B) Summary:- The Pt. relates how God created humans in His image, the fallen cursed,also remembered by grace, as God always again casts out, receives the believing, and then the whole world condemns with recompense , preserves Noah as a pious seed, whom the generations of God keeps until Abraham is chosen for a covenant of blessings, especially the possession of Canaan, and and for the salvation of the entire sinful world determined, as He led this generation to Egypt and there after 4 centuries of enslavement led out by Moses, with whom He concluded the covenant with him and after 30 years wandering in the wilderness led up to the borders of the proomised land. Miiddlepoint and theme stands Ex.19:6, You should--
II) In particular A) Genesis (bereschith). Genesis has two great ---- sections, the beginnings or early-history of the kingdom of God, namely, the original world up the calling of Abraham (1-11); 2) the history of the 3 patriarchs up to Joseph (12-50).
Disposition-Ancient history of the Kingdom of God. I) In the original world (1-11). A) Creation of mankind (1:1-2:3) B)Development of the human generation (2:4-41). a(Paradise (2:4-25)(generation of the heaven and earth).b)Fall into sin(3) c)The fall into sin of the humans and the promise (4-5); Alpha) Cain and Abel. Beta) Cainites (4) Gamma) Sethites(generation of Adam) d)Corruption of Sethites and Canannites, coming of the Flood) toledoth of Noah. e) Breaking out and decrease of Flood (7-8). f)The new covenant with Noah and his children (tholedoth of Noah's children) g) Confusion of tongues (Tholodoth of Shem and Japheth)
II) Under the Patriarchs (12-50). A) Abraham (12-25:10) a) Call, Promise, Blessing (12&14) [Travel from Haran,Nahor, Schechem, to Bethel, to Beersheba, to Egypt (Sarah's confinement), back to Bethel, dwells in Hebron (special place of Abraham) , defeats the 4 kings, blessed of Melchisedek ] b)the covenant of God with Abraham (15-21) alpha) The covenant itself finalized(15-16). Promise of physical heritage, Abraham's faith, the ceremony of finalizing covenant, the birth of Ishmael, [? ?) beta) The covenant sign or seal (17-20) ;1) change of Names of Abr and Sarai by God.2)Circumcision (17).3) Appearance of 3 men (18:10) 4) Destruction of Sodom and Gommorah and Lot's incest. 5) Reproof of Sarah in Gerar. gamma)Fulillment of covenant (21):-Isaac born and circumcised2)Ishmael driven out.3)Abraham's and Abimelech's covenant. 4)Abraham dwells long in Beersheba.c)Abraham's testing, restoration and completion (22-25:10) alpha)Isaac's offering and affirmation of the promise.(22)beta)Sarah's death and burial (23). Isaac's marriage (24). delta) Abraham's second marriage and death (25:1-10)
B) Isaac (25:11-26) a)Isaac as inheritor of the blessing dwells at Hadar's spring.b)Isaac's tholodoth.c) birth,youth and the change order of the birth of & Esau and Jacob.d) Isaac in Gerar receives the blessing and experiences much sorrow (20) [Distress and reproof of Rebeccah. His riches and envy of the Philistines, the stopping of the well. Wanders toward well of Gerar, then Eschol,Sitna, Rehoboth (here rest), Beersheba (once again promise),oeace covenant with Abimelech. The dissatisfaction with Heth women(cf. his death in Hebron, 180 years old, ch.35:21)
C)Jacob (27-50) a)Jacob's blessing (27-31) 1) Receive blessing of first-born, blessing and flight to Laban.2)Affirmation of blessing and the vision in Lux,Bethel. 3)Blessed with good in Haran and protected up to Mahanim. b)Jacob's challenges and cross (32-40) 1)Danger from Esau and struggle with God at Peniel.2) Humble before Esau, -Succoth,Salem, Shechem;3) Dinah, Shechem, blood-bath of the children of Hamor;4) After once again the promise, Rachel dies giving birth to Benjamin by Ephratah;%) Reuben's incest with Bilhah, Jacob comes to Mamre;6)Genealogical register of Esau;7) Joseph sold by his brothers (37);8) Judah incest with Tamar (38);9) Joseph in Potophar's house and imprisonment (39); 10)Joseph in prison as interpreter of dreams (40).
c) Jacob's joy, exultation and fulfillment (41-50) 1)Jospeh's release from prison(41); 2)his brothers humiliated and reconciled;3)Jacob journey to Egypt and dwells in Goshen;4)Adoption of the children of Joseph (48);5) The blessings of his osns and his home-going (48). 6)Jacob's burial and the death of Joseph.
B)Exodus-Fore notes:The 3 middle books contain each unique giving of law, Exodus-the moral law; Leviticus-worship law; Numbers-political law. Genesis gives the foundations and Deuteronomy the repitition. Introduction: Exodus is the book of covenant ratification. It relates how God made Israel His people as He led them out Egypt by Moses and Aaron, concluded a covenant on Mt. Sinai and in the institution shelter made His dwelling with them.
Th: The separation of Israel to a holy people of the LOrd. I) The leading out of Egypt (ch.1-18) A)Preparation for going out a)Misery of the people in Egypt b)selection and preparation of the mother of Moses (2-4:31) c)Freeing of the people (4:32-12-36) fruitless exchange with Pharaoh,10 plagues and institution of the Passover meal (?); B) The Exodus and journey to Sinai (12:37-18); a) Ordinance for the celebration of the Passover & sanctifing of the firstborn (12:38-13a) b)journey to the Red Sea and Pharaoh's undergoing (13:27-41);c)Moses' thank song (Miriam) 15:1-20); d)Journey to Sinai (wilderness sin-Marah-Elim-Wilderness of Sinai,wavering, manna-Raphidim-rock and water-victory over Amalek-Jetrhro's organization advice (15:22-18). II)The covenant of God with Israel (19-24)A)Preparation and sanctifying of the people (19).B)Giving of the Law (20-23). a) The 10 commandments as the fundamental Law (20).b) specializing of the 10 commandments for Israel especially relationships (21-23) C) The ratification of the covenant (24).a)The peoples acceptance (24:1-6).b) Covenant dealings and ceremonies (The reading of the covenant book, sprinkling of the covenant blood, covenant meal,receiving of the covenant tables, the anointing of the covenant leaders (24:7-18).III) Entrance of God in Israel (25-40) A) Introduction on the building of the Covenant dwelling and the worship there (25-31).a)The gifts for the institution-dwelling. b) counsel and admonition c) Constituents , around the burnt-offering altar, fore-court.d)ordination of priest and daily worhsip. e)service at the burning-sacrifice altar. f)The heave-offering direction, honest (?) handwashing,anointing oil,candles.g) choosing of artistic workmen and holding of Sabbath without working.B)Prevention of building because of Israel's breaking of covenant:confession-atonement (32-34) a)golden calf and punishment (32)b)Moses's mediation(33)c)renewal of covenant.C)Building of tabernacle (35-39) a)preparation:-Sabbath,heave-offering,workers.(35)b)the building itself in its particulars.36_39:32) c)delivered to Moses (39:33-43).D)The erection of the tabernacle and entrance of God(40).a)prescriptions for erecting (40:1-15) b)Execution.c)glory of the LOrd appears (34-35) d)the movement of the cloud and its form.
C)The third book of Moses-Leviticus. I)Content.Lev. contains the laws about worship, the relationships in the covenant, especially to the particulars, at first as to the offerings and priesthood, then the purifications after _______ and then finally about the sanctity of all relationships is dealt with.
Th: -The Levitical holiness of the covenant people. I)The sacrifice and Law of priests (1-10) A)Sacrifice Law (1-7) a. The five types of personal offering: -Burnt,Meat,Thank, Sin, Guilt offering (1-5).b)rights and duties of priests(6-7).B)Priests' laws.(8-10) a) ordination of priests.b)entrance to office of Aaron and his sons (9). c)discipline of Nadab and Abihu. II)Purification laws (11-16). a)purification of foods (prohibition of impure animals (11). A)purification after childbirth (!2) C)Purification or lepers (13-14).D)purification of serious illnesses (15)E)The great annual purification of the entire people atonement day. (???) (16).
III)Holiness laws (17-27) 1)Holiness of the national life (17-20) a)holiness of slaughtered food (17)kosher meat. B)holiness of married life (degrees of relations and sodomy abomination)(18) C)holiness of other natural and moral relation (vows to God and neighbor ???.D) Holiness of the peoples' community and separation from evil people. (20) 2)Holiness of the worship life (21-25) A)especially holiness of priests and the high priest (no touching of the dead ,shaving of head ,no prositute women (21). B)Holiness of the sacred offering (22). C)Holiness of times (Sabbath,Passover,Pentecost,Atonement Day, and Feast of tabernacles (23).D)Holiness of daily worhsip (punishment of blasphemy ) (24). E)holiness of lands and inheritance and personal freedom(Hebrew servants,Levitical cities of refuge (?) ,seventh and fiftieth year of Jubilee)(25).3)Holiness of the covenant with God (blessing and curses)(26) 4)holiness of the vows and tithes (27) (sentences on freeing from vows and all tithes (??) to the LOrd.
D)The 4th book of Moses,Numbers. Numbers is named the book according to that therein is the twice reported numbering of the people. It describes the organization of Israel before the LOrd of Lords, then wilderness journey to Kadesh, reports briefly the 37 year stay in the same, relates thereafter the journey from the land of Edom, the ------ of the east Jordan lands, the events in the plateau of Moab (Balaam and Midianites) and finally the preparation for the capture of the west Jordan lands.
Th:The wilderness journey of God's host. I) Organization (1:1-10;10) 1) Number of arm-bearing men.(603,550) and not bearing arms men of the tribe of Lev (32,000) who served the Holy Place (1-4) 2)Purifiying of the place,of Levitical impurity;-God's judgement over the discovery of a marriage breaking woman (5-6,21).3)Blessin of God over the hay (6:22-27) 4)Worship service for the consecration of breaking camp (7-9,14) A)Consecration-presents of the tribes princes (7).B)Consecration of Levites (8) C)Passover celebration and ordinances (9:1-14
D)The 4th book of Moses,Numbers. Numbers is named the book according to that therein is the twice reported numbering of the people. It describes the organization of Israel before the LOrd of Lords, then wilderness journey to Kadesh, reports briefly the 37 year stay in the same, relates thereafter the journey from the land of Edom, the ------ of the east Jordan lands, the events in the plateau of Moab (Balaam and Midianites) and finally the preparation for the capture of the west Jordan lands.
Th:The wilderness journey of God's host. I) Organization (1:1-10;10) 1) Number of arm-bearing men.(603,550) and not bearing arms men of the tribe of Lev (32,000) who served the Holy Place (1-4) 2)Purifiying of the place,of Levitical impurity;-God's judgement over the discovery of a marriage breaking woman (5-6,21).3)Blessin of God over the hay (6:22-27) 4)Worship service for the consecration of breaking camp (7-9,14) A)Consecration-presents of the tribes princes (7).B)Consecration of Levites (8) C)Passover celebration and ordinances (9:1-14
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